Compile OctaDist to EXEΒΆ

Program source code can be compiled as a standalone executable file (*.exe). Compilation can be completed easily using PyInstaller.

  1. Upgrade pip:

    pip install pip --upgrade
  2. Install the latest version of PyInstaller:

    pip install pyinstaller --upgrade
  3. Check the version of PyInstaller:

    pyinstaller --version
  4. Change directory to octadist subdirectory, where is, for example:

    cd OctaDist-*-src-x86-64/octadist/
  5. Compile a standalone, like this:

    pyinstaller --onefile --windowed -n OctaDist-*-src-x86-64
  6. The standalone executable will be build in dist directory.


Other useful options for building executable can be found at PyInstaller manual.