Run OctaDist

OctaDist supports both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line interface (CLI).

Run OctaDist GUI using EXE

If you have a standalone executable (.exe) of OctaDist GUI on your system, run OctaDist by double-clicking the .exe file as if you open other program.


OctaDist can take time to launch the application, usually 5 - 10 seconds. However, if the program does not start, please restart your system and run it again.

Run OctaDist GUI on the terminal

Moreover, OctaDist can be called on the terminal such as CMD, PowerShell, and Terminal as long as it is added to environment variable, like this:


Run OctaDist CLI

You can execute command-line OctaDist interface by typing octadist_cli on the terminal. If it is executed without argument, the help docs will show by default.

(py37) user@Linux:~$ octadist_cli

# output
usage: octadist_cli [-h] [-v] [-a] [-c] [-g] [-i INPUT] [-o] [-s OUTPUT]
                    [--par PARAMETER [PARAMETER ...]] [--show MOL [MOL ...]]

Octahedral Distortion Calculator:
A tool for computing octahedral distortion parameters in coordination complex.
For more details, please visit

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit
-a, --about           show program info
-c, --cite            show how to cite OctaDist
-g, --gui             launch OctaDist GUI (this option is the same as
                        'octadist' command
-i INPUT, --inp INPUT
                        input structure in .xyz format
-o, --out             show formatted output summary
-s OUTPUT, --save OUTPUT
                        save formatted output to text file, please specify
                        name of OUTPUT file without '.txt' extension
                        select which the parameter (zeta, delta, sigma, theta)
                        to show
--show MOL [MOL ...]  show atomic symbol (atom) and atomic coordinate
                        (coord) of octahedral structure

Rangsiman Ketkaew       Updated on August 2019    E-mail:

Using OctaDist to calculate the distortion of structure can be done as follows:

# Compute parameters
octadist_cli -i

# Compute parameters and show formatted output
octadist_cli -i -o

# Compute parameters and save output as file
octadist_cli -i -s OUTPUT


On Windows, you can check whether OctaDist is added to environment variables by using where command:

where octadist

For Linux and macOS, use which command instead:

which octadist


type -P "octadist" && echo "It's in path" || echo "It's not in path"