Example Calculations

Supported File Format

  • CIF file format

File extension: .cif (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystallographic_Information_File)

Crystallographic Information File (CIF). Example CIF is below:


## ENTRY ##

_entry.id              ADH041

1    O5*   G A   1       7.231  -2.196  -5.399  1.00 22.25   1 1
2    C5*   G A   1       6.950  -3.464  -4.723  1.00 15.86   1 1
3    C4*   G A   1       8.299  -4.018  -4.302  1.00 15.20   1 1
  • XYZ file format

File extension: .xyz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYZ_file_format)

<number of atoms>
comment line
<element 1>  <X> <Y> <Z>
<element 2>  <X> <Y> <Z>
<element 3>  <X> <Y> <Z>
  • Output of computational chemistry programs

File extension: .out and .log

  1. Gaussian

  2. NWChem

  3. ORCA

  4. Q-Chem

Running the tests